Key Milestones of a Successful Student

Being a successful student is an achievement to be proud of all your life, and being a postgraduate provides you with that distinction.

There are many milestones in a student’s life. A student is rightfully elated when he crosses each of them. Class X, Class XII, graduation, post-graduation, doctorate are the key milestones that hold the most important in our lives.

Several decades ago graduation was the most important milestone that a person hoped to achieve. Doing graduation was supposed to be a pinnacle of academic achievement.

However, that is now considered an essential milestone in student life today and is no longer a pinnacle. Instead, post-graduation such as PGDM and MBA is a standard landmark that society, employers, family members, investors consider highly today.

Being a post-graduate also keeps the doors open for pursuing a fellow program or a doctorate later in life. However, a graduate does not get such a chance. As a post-graduate, just make sure that your PGDM/MBA/MSc is recognized.

The real milestones in one’s life are thus those related to pursuing your post-graduation. These are the milestones, which are big and small events in your PG, that will leave a strong impact on your life:

1)  Cracking the entrance for PG: This is the most difficult part of the process, in a way. The one that would require a lot of decision-making on your side. Involve your friends, parents, teachers, tutors to help you make sound decisions.

2) Starting PG classes at a prestigious school: The first day in a prestigious school is always going to be special. Take it with due preparation.

3) Submitting the first assignment in a PG course: In a PGDM/MBA course, your colleagues from different backgrounds will make you feel nervous and insecure, in the beginning, but submitting your first assignment will bring you confidence.

4) Engaging with erudite professors: Engaging with professors, visiting as well as in-house, will help you develop a vision for your future, as well as prepare you to enter the corporate world with ease.

5) Forming a network of ambitious candidates: Your peers in PG are ambitious folks, who decided to undertake this big step. Unknowingly you are creating friendships and bonds that will last you for a lifetime.

6)Completing the course: Completing the course will be a nostalgic moment, but also give you a degree that will change your social and professional status for the rest of your life.

7) Resume-making: Making a resume with qualifications written about, the assignments you have taken, the internships, live projects, will reflect your changed orientation.

8) Job-applying: Finding a job after post-graduation is a function of the economy, luck, specialization, and most importantly, preparation. In any case, finding a job is a process that is worth learning, as you will again be using that skill to change jobs later in life.

9) Landing the first interview: An interview is a big opportunity and many students just have to take one interview to get a job. Others may take up to half a dozen interviews, to get a job.

10) Landing the first job: Once you have landed your first job, your journey as an ambitious working professional begins.

These are milestones that will form an essential part of the process to be a postgraduate.

The fact that there are many courses available to pursue your PG, from top b-schools, should motivate you to take the plunge. Here is an illustrative list of courses:

MBA/PGDM - Healthcare management: The pandemic has highlighted the importance of the healthcare sector. If you are interested in healthcare, the pharmaceuticals industry, medicine, and nursing, this course can qualify you for good jobs.

MBA/PGDM- Marketing: You will qualify for good jobs if you hold a PGDM in marketing from one of the top MBA colleges in India. Not only that, you will be seen as being successful academically even if you meet people who have a lot more money and wealth if you have an MBA in marketing.

MBA/PGDM - International Business: Globalisation pervades all sectors - finance, investment, trading, manufacturing, aviation, shipping, ports, logistics, travel are directly impacted by how business is done across the borders. If you join any of these industries, being qualified with a post-graduation in international business will get you job mobility and respect.

MSc in Big Data and Business Analytics: Today, one of the most critical drivers of businesses in data. Big data and business analytics guide Amazon, Netflix, Flipkart, Google, Jio. While everyone knows a little about it, having a PG in Big Data and Business Analytics will respect those engaged in this field.

MBA/PGDM - General: As a graduate, there is a strong likelihood that you have not yet discovered your passion or calling. In such a scenario, you would want an education that keeps your options open while pursuing your academic interests to the full.

Asia-Pacific Institute of Management delivers the above courses and some very highly valuable post-graduate courses such as PGDM - Banking & Financial Services and MBA in Healthcare Management in Moscow.


Being a successful student is something to be proud of irrespective of your job, wealth, income, profession. The foremost entrepreneurs, celebrities, CEOs, sports players, who achieve an academic distinction, are accorded respect for their education all their lives. Thus, being a successful student who has achieved some key landmarks is worth the effort. However, a simple graduation today does not qualify a person as a successful student in today’s world.

In today’s times, an MBA/PGDM/MSc is the benchmark of a successful student. The milestones that are to be valued are the events that lead you from applying to prestigious business schools to landing your first job after it.



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